
It has been FOREVER! I know, but it has been so busy around and I also know that I always say that I am busy, but I AM!

Although this title says more rest, I have not been resting at all… I don’t know when I will write again and apologize, but life has just become BUSSIER that’s fine. We are slowly getting back on track or building our new lives.

I also think my content will be more mom-life-related than in the past, so you can feel free to read.

I appreciate those who come back to read or see if we are okay. We are all good!

My baby girl is not an infant anymore she is a toddler, and with that, lots of stuff has happened.
I have to say that her birthday was very emotional for me because it also reminds me that she is growing and so are we.

Well, anyhow, happy holidays and stay healthy!


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