
There are a lot of stuff that are completely wrong, no matter from where you see them they are just WRONG!

I was playing for the 1st time these chinese checkers and reminded me when I was a kid and my cousins used to lived near my parents house and one of them got like a set of board games and in the set they were also chinese checkers but we did not know how to play it or any rules, so we just used it to play other stuff but that… it was wrong but nobody knew!

I am two months away from being an aunt, and it seems kinda surreal to me, kinda excited and sad at the same time, I feel that there’s a life growing and I am not even part of it, when I dreamed about I was always there… I guess that if you have known me (or read my posts for a while) i am full of feelings a lot of rollercoasters going around when it comes to my feelings, but I cannot help it that is just how I express myself, honestly I HAVE TRIED to suppress so much feeling and it does not go well.

i was talking to one of my friends and she was saying how difficult it becomes to date after you are in your late 20’s, can you imagine if you are in your 20’s and its difficult, now what do you expect when you are in your mid 30’s? as a WOMAN, like, dont get me wrong if you are a guy but honestly, (or maybe you’ll agree) guys in their late 30’s want a girl that is 23 maybe 24 but not a girl that is looking for something serious “no commitments please, I still can take my time” Difficult times, is what is happening for all women around if they wanna commit to a relationship or even deeper, to a live with someone. Because everything is fun and all until you find hairs all around the house or they wanna meet your parents (for something more serious)

Speaking of hairs, there are some ppl that leave hair everywhere, worst than a dog. How do you even still have hair?

I am pretty bad at reading people in general, because I always hope that there’s something good in their heart (always looking for something good in people) kinda happens to me like this movie Enchanted when she asked for directions to this “good man” and he stole her tiara hahahahah cuz she was thinking everything was like in the love story books, while Andy is pretty good at judging and being very accurate. I am not gonna say that he is always very accurate about this, but he is most of the time.

I think I could watch this movie a lot of times without getting bored. Sometimes you are stuck with something that is not good for you, but you are stuck with it in your mind, because in the reality it DOES NOT EXIST! it just doesn’t, maybe you should go on a few dates before you go to his apartment. Start to take care of your heart and trust me SELFCARE is the most important thing you should assure is in 100% before you go for the next step! Once you know your worth, then you will know what to do next and wont be standing by just waiting for answers.

Let me introduce you to my personal gardener

He keeps leaving you for dead, I don’t know what you been waiting for
So you’ve got your love locked up instead but somethin’ better’s waitin’ at your door


Found out that it becomes a little bit more complicated for me to write from my phone that from my computer, I guess I am just more used to the feeling of typing on a keyboard than on my cellphone.

Sometimes I decide that I am gonna close this, cuz I just dont spend too much time or effort writing, but when Im gonna do it, then kinda feel that I have a lot to share, and I also like to see how this blog has gone through different phases, because that is the way I am. Like the other day I was talking to one of my college friends and the phase that I am now is different but hopefully better? Well I think so, ha!

Yesterday I got in this conversations with this girl and kinda found out that you can plan things one way, but at the end life just gives you what you were not expecting AT ALL! I am a big believer that also the difficulties you get in life are there just to make you stronger. For me 2020 was a very complicated year emotionally speaking, COVID did not hit my body but it hit me right in my brain/feelings, tho I gotta say that I have a lot of support from my family in Panama and Taiwan, (I always say that God puts what you need next to you) before the pandemic, we all had plans and how the next few years were gonna be like, but then now, we dont really have huge plans, because we dont know what is gonna happen in a month or in a year (tho we all hope things get better soon)

Some days I wake up and I don’t even pay attention to anything, because I am in a rush to get everything ready before we leave the house and some other days when i wake up earlier I actually take my time to see the sunrise and I see the most beautiful face sleeping next to me and only that makes me feel that I have everything I need and that I need to be more grateful for the small things and never take for granted what you have, because life is not easy and the older you become, the more difficult it becomes to live (more restrictions). So I realized that sometimes we are sooo in our own minds that we don’t spend some time appreciating the SUN LIGHT, the RAIN, our friends and family of course, the fact that you can drink tap water.

Remember to live the present and appreciate what you have. Stop living in the past and move forward (forget about that ex that didn’t appreciate you)

well, this is how things are going lately!

You can feel it in the streets on a day like this, the heat
It feel like summer~ I feel like summer~


In the previous post I was talking abt anxiety separation and stuff, but now that I think abt it I personally don’t feel like babysitting an adult. Do u know what I mean?

I mean, man, I’ve seen a lot of families from different cultures (I’m not gonna say what culture I have an issue with) but, really… why do you leave your child to live with you until they are in their late 40s and still don’t know how to clean the house, wash their clothes, make an egg, for God sakes… I mean, I get it that u want ur kid to be studying instead of doing work at home, but these are just some basics you know? Instead of helping your kid you are just making them useless!!! Like, sure they still live with you, they provide to the house with their salaries but in real life, the do not do shit!!!!

It bothers me that you can say “oh yeah” but I’m rich! I have a lot of money, but for what? To be just a piece of shit!!!!!!!! Sorry (not really sorry) that’s just how it is… getting fat at your parents house and never being independent. Good for…wait! NO BODY!

I guess I have not written a post this angry in a while, but it really kills me that this culture is not the best! I feel like the best culture is the one that makes u better as a person in every aspect of your life and at the same time it makes you INDEPENDENT!

So if you are still a person in their lates 20’s I think u still have a chance to leave and grow, but if you are in your mid 30’s and still just looking how to remodel your room in your parents house, we’ll just let me tell ya that you are a parasite 🦠 and you should leave soon. I mean, I’m not saying that you HAVE TO BUY a house, but hey, with that income (unless your parents REALLY need you there) you can definitely pay for rent. At any city!! You can live with roommates, not the best experience but thrust me THE PRINCE is not coming to rescue you from the tower.

In an attempt of taking a photo of the bee’s butt!


I was thinking (like usual) Momo used to have a anxiety separation, it was pretty bad like she would be chewing all of our shoes, towels, anyways… everything she could chew on. But for some reason since right before all this COVID happened she has been better it took a little bit of patience and effort and maybe some shoe laces for her to learn. Now that we have been spending more time at home she is so good, she doesn’t need a small crib for her whenever we are out, she’s a grow pup now, and behaves.

Although… I gotta say that my plant has anxiety separation, like really, last time I was away fro like three weeks it pretty much died, I asked to see if it could get some water now and then but then, it only got better after I went back! And now, it’s dying again… hahah I mean, if it’s mean to die, well…so be it, there are some stuff that u can’t babysit forever.

I wanna be in your photo mama

I guess in some ways, we all are a little bit anxious when The significant one is not around . Like have u had that experience when u and your mom are at the store and she leaves you in the line waiting for the cashier while she goes to find something she forgot? Well, maybe that’s what momo felt every time she had to stay at home by herself

Can you believe this is 11:00pm?


So we were talking the other day and I heard this thing about “this crazy bitch” and how this girl has been staying in this relationship that is not a relationship because the guy has never been able to “label the relationship” because he’s not really ready for commitment for about two or maybe three years…. And nobody knows her name but just the crazy bitch . I gotta mention too that she helps with all the chores and she stays over at his place and to me is an adult relationship what they are doing, but whenever u ask abt this girl everything turns weird, and nobody wants to talk abt it because she’s just like those mistresses in the past era where they were only good for sex and run some chores (or something like that)

My point here is that sometimes we women don’t think and even if we know that things are bad we keep trying to push it, because we are stubborn like that (we think that we can change him or I dunno what). Trust me I’ve had friends that they start dating this guys and even after a year they are not bf and gf, so maybe I am too old fashioned abt this kind of thing or I dun know what, but I feel that we women should value ourselves more. We are very important and you gotta decide what you want, because if you are dating around that’s fine but if I are committed to a relationship that is hidden then something is defo wrong…with you!

Well, now that I think abt it maybe also some man are in this trap, where the girls talk abt this guy that u day u dun like but still using him. To all of you stuck in this kind of situation, is time to open your eyes and get things clear once and for all. What are we?

Cuties all cleaned

Let’s just stop letting others call you “that crazy bitch” and value yourself, because u are valuable💕

Well, diet has been a little bit harder the past few weeks…